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Defeat the Dark... Radiate Possibilities

Writer's picture: Coach KerriCoach Kerri

When we build people up, we will have more productive, healthy contributors to our communities; making them a better place to be!  More light, less darkness!

Gathering like-minded people taking action, is a great time to inspire hope, courage, belief, and perseverance through motivational speaking and using inspiring stories of real life people, moving through their struggles. This transforms possibility into reality. 

Donald! He is 83 and look at that smile!

A few years ago, after his beautiful wife, of 62 years, passed away, I had the pleasure of meeting Donald E. Berger because he was looking for a place to exercise. We all can attest, heart break is hard and losing a loved one, well that heartache cannot be measured, it is forever. Moving through the stages of grief that follows a loss is not easy, nor does it look the same for everyone.

I want to share Donald's story to inspire hope and encourage others to seek help when struggling, with anything troubling.

His story could have gone another way had he never utilized his support systems to help him keep moving forward. Support systems can look like family, friends, therapists, doctors, spiritual leaders, community members, service professionals, positive communities and programs.

How we cope, how we heal, what we choose to do or not to do, determines what happens next; darkness or light. Coping in unhealthy ways can lead to mental un-wellness which over-time can lead to full blown physical and mental illness/disease.

Mental illness, for some, is absolutely genetic, but for many others it is an escalation of a mindset: how we are responding to those thoughts, behaviors and feelings.

When triggered by an event, an interaction, a situation, a scenario, a trauma, a person, in Donald's case loss of loved one; whatever the trigger, how we respond is key to whether me build mental wellness or sickness.

"his long marriage of 62 years is one of the greatest love stories ever told"

When he signed up to exercise, his coloring was off, he was very off balance, and he looked so sad, but he told me, "I have more life to live." He signed up to attend a senior exercise class twice a week, and faithfully is still attending every Tuesday and Thursday bright and early at 7am! Over the weeks, months, years, he continues to share stories of his wife Dorothy, keeping her very near to his heart as he keeps living, choosing to do his best to stay healthy.

Bringing people together, creating an atmosphere of hope, inspiration, and encouragement, while moving together toward an actionable goal, provides an opportunity to release some of those feel good chemicals and lift your spirits and those around you.

Even when it feels like your light is just a flicker, other people still see you, support you and believe in you. When you show up, you inspire others just as they are inspiring you.

Donald started out barely able to walk safely on the treadmill... but he continued show up, to walk, work on his balance, his strength and stamina...

One day... he was thrilled to share with me that he had completed a mile on the treadmill! The way he said it, I never knew he had set this as a goal for himself, and he was smiling from ear to ear when he told me about his accomplishment! That hit me, I was being inspired in that very moment.

To be 83, and still setting goals, believing in the possibility of something more, and putting in the work to achieve more, that's amazing, inspiring!!!

We can read quotes, talk about setting goals, eating healthy, exercising... things we should be doing to help ourselves keep moving forward but are we really convinced at our core or simply going through the motions?

Donald is proof,

you're never too old to set another goal, or to dream a new dream!

Showing up to walk with Donald, you will be reminded what it feels like to move your body in healthy ways, and remember what it feels like to acknowledge and encourage others, even complete strangers, which undoubtedly will lift your spirit.

Showing up and participating, whether cheering from the sidelines or walking on the track, this is a place to feel differently for a moment and could provide a shift in your current mindset, adjusting your perspective, creating the spark needed to feel a sense of hope, worth, purpose, to feel safe to be who you are, and decide it's time to take the next steps toward a healthier version of you!

this event is a catalyst for feeling better in the moment, and offering connections for creating more of that feeling.

There is no fee for the event.

It is a community outreach event brought to you by Dedicated Fitness,

to provide an opportunity for healthy community activity.

"Opportunities for Communities."

SATURDAY, JUNE 8..........Palmerton High School Track

We will begin to gather at 8:30, warm-up and chat at 8:45 and the 60min countdown timer will begin at 9:00am!

This could be when you decide it's time to reach out and get involved, whatever that looks like for you, because moving feels good and getting out is certainly healthier than isolating.

Maybe you start your journey differently than someone else, there are many options for you to take advantage of to help yourself.

We all want to feel better, maybe you start with professional help; connecting with therapists, doctors, spiritual leaders, group programs. Whatever speaks to you, reach out, real support, encouragement, inspiration and change is possible. 



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