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Are you struggling too? Do you follow through on your intentions?

Writer's picture: Coach KerriCoach Kerri

Real life... training plan written and scheduled...

implementation = maybe tomorrow?!

How many of you can relate? You have your workout schedule planned ahead of time but when “the time comes” actually following through is a serious mental struggle!

Our reasons vary; though they are all very real to each of us, it doesn’t make it ok to skip what we had intended on doing. If you wrote it down, you wanted to do it.

A healthy mind requires a healthy body, therefore dedicating a small amount of time for exercising is a key to improving the state we currently find ourselves in. If we don’t improve our state of mind, we will never improve our situation! If we don’t get our exercise in, improving our state of mind will be more difficult!

Getting your exercise in, whether 10, 15, or 30min is much better than none at all, I guarantee you will be glad you follow through.

Cycling on Monday at 5am was not appealing to me this week, nor was the weightlifting session I had planned or the lap swimming I scheduled in however I harnessed the power to get it done! How? Certainly, it wasn’t luck!

I use a system, a “back-up plan” so to speak!

In the past, 5am was never appealing, but I had to find a way to want to wake up, instead of loathing Monday mornings, I needed to be excited about them! I also use this system to help me find hope, courage, faith and a desire, a will to live and live happy! I know that’s deep, but it’s true!

What I did was create a system of actions and affirmations to get my days started with intention and ending with gratitude.

Psychologists use a technique to boost willpower called “implementation intention.” That’s when you give yourself a plan to deal with a potentially difficult situation you know you will likely face. For instance, imagine that you’re working on eating healthier, but you’re on your way to a party where food will be served.

Before you go, tell yourself that instead of diving into a plate of cheese and crackers, you will sip a glass of water and focus on mingling. Going in with a plan will help give you the mindset and the self-control necessary for the situation. You will also save energy by not having to make a sudden decision based on your emotional state.

This week has been a serious struggle and it’s only Tuesday 😂probably because my mind is consumed with many emotions lately as I attempt to level up my life!

Fortunately implementing the system I’ve created gets me up, gets my mind set to move forward with intention and on track for the time being!

Although the thought of getting out of bed seems dreadful, and pressing snooze happens all too often, waking up and taking action is possible.

Its super hard to show up exuding energy to lead my team in a soul crushing, life elevating sweaty workout when I “think I don’t want to,” however when I use my system, it gives me time to wake up my brain and fill it with the intentions I truly want, rather than becoming a victim to my cozy bed, or worse negative thinking patterns!

Whether this is in the morning, afternoon, or evening, you need to have a system in place to keep yourself on track and following through on your plans.

Getting back on track isn’t easy, finding your flow may take some mindset work in order to create your habits but with consistent efforts, even when you think you can’t, or “it doesn’t matter,” you have the power to create change!

What are your intentions? What do you do to follow-through on days when it doesn’t come easily?

Maybe looking at quotes, pictures, writings, referring to your written goals, reaching out to your support team, meditation, deep breathing, music, lights, actions... something different for everyone!

If you want to know what I do Everyday to control my mind so it doesn’t control me,

Comment “I do Kerri!” and I’ll send you a breakdown of what I do Everyday! Maybe it can help you too!



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