If you don't struggle with anxiety, skip down to a look at what's ahead... but if you do or know someone who does, quick message for you...

... real quick.... hear me out... I swore this time it was definitely something wrong with my heart. A heart attack? A stroke? Did I have a blood clot? The chest pain, pressure and burning, moving into my shoulder, my arm, the tingling and numbness in my hand and foot, upset stomach, and shortness of breath...
It couldn't possibly be anxiety, I've got that under control... It couldn't be stress, I've been putting all the tools in place to manage my tendency to "stress."
After a trip to the ER, it is confirmed, super healthy strong heart, very low chance of heart problems and bloodwork in the green!
It's one thing to be told you are dealing with stress and anxiety,
it's another ball game to know how to deal with it...
Today, when I was at Elevation church, a song was played, and some of the lyrics include, "bye bye anxiety, you have to let go of me, I'm free now," and it played over and over again.
This really hit me in the feels considering I just got home from an ER visit and told anxiety is the culprit!
BUT THEN....something even more wild.... Pastor Dr. Darius Daniels begins his sermon titled, "Arresting anxiousness!" What?!?!!
Have you ever found yourself a bit overwhelmed, a little lost, stuck, or defeated, maybe struggling with fears, worry, sadness, shame, guilt, anger, you name it...
or maybe there was a time when you felt so edgy, but you didn't even realize a monumental amount of stress was piling up deep inside you until it surpassed the threshold, and you broke in some way?
Ever wonder if it's possible to feel better, to overcome your battles, question if you maybe you are not meant to have peace like other people?
I had no idea my body was holding on to so much worry! My threshold for worry was surpassed and my body has been warning me, trust me the trembling I feel though-out my body is impossible to miss!
It's great to receive a message of inspiration, but it becomes really powerful when tools are provided to make overcoming the hurdle seem possible! I left the ER so grateful for a healthy heart, but questioning what to do about the anxiety, because I thought I had it under control!!!
Dr. Darius served up such an inspiring message I really want to pass along the key concepts he shared to use in the face of struggle.
1. Adjust your perceptions - it’s not what you see, but how you see it
2. Adjust your praise (gratitude)
(There is something for everybody, but not every body is supposed to do every thing.) there are chains on us that will fall bc of the presence of God-fear, anxiousness, worry…)
3. Adjust your prayer (we battle unconscious struggle! Prayer frees me from the illusion that I am in control. Time is not in my hands, it’s in his)
4. Adjust your practices (focus on the bright spots, the joy, when you are in the presence, you are not in anxiousness)

You are not in control, you can control your actions, but he controls the outcomes.
I thought I had "control" over my emotions, over my worry, fears, actions... turns out, we also have sub-conscious battles, and control is an illusion! This was a great reminder of where I want to place my faith, hope and trust.
I have been building back fulfilled, no longer an empty vessel, by opening my heart to a new perspective, learning to move from my heart and not my head, and staying present, focusing on who, what and how I am interacting with people, places and things, being of service, not selfish, and faithfully taking time for prayer.
Change doesn't happen simply because you decide it's time, change happens when you consistently show up and do the hard work to address your actions, reactions, thoughts and feelings that are robbing you of your joy, and rewiring them with something more helpful. This has to happen over and over again!
I've found that it is in the surrender, giving up control, and putting it in the hands of my maker that provided me peace, to enjoy the journey of living, not surviving life.
I will still experience things that make me feel anxious, so will you, but as I am becoming, I am learning to redirect my fears, worries, battles and struggles to him.
Whatever works for you, do it, and be consistent! Adjust your perceptions, speak of your joys and gratefulness, stay present and reflect on the bright spots. Control is an illusion, surrender and the weight is lifted from your shoulders, it isn't for you to bear.
Rejoicing, trusting deep down in my heart that my maker is in control, and not letting my head take over, is a process, but so worth it!
How do you deal with stress and anxiety? Anything you've found to be super helpful?
Take a deep breath, and trust the process my friends!
Our athlete performance enhancement program is moving into session 2 this week, Grades 4-6, and 7+...
Coach Logan is bringing a new program to the team. He is looking for a few eager participants, but is capping his class at 6, so if you are interested, let us know!
The Power of 4 Healthy Habits Challenge is underway for December,
but a new session will roll out on Jan 6!
Holiday discounts/rates are up next... stay tuned...
Surround yourself with people that lift you up, that make you feel good, that inspire you!